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MINNELLI, Liza   *   Hamburg, Congress-Centrum/CCH 09.01.1975

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Als Tochter der Schauspielerin Judy Garland und dem Film-Direktor Vincente Minnelli, wächst der Broadway-Star in Hollywood auf. An Stelle von Spielplätzen und Kindergärten bestimmen Bühnen und Kameras den Alltag der kleinen Liza. Später empfindet sie es als völlig normal, im Rampenlicht zu stehen und als Person in der Öffentlichkeit zu leben.

Am 12. März 1946 spielt Minnelli im zarten Alter von zweieinhalb Jahren ihre erste Rolle im Streifen "Good Old Summertime". Als die kleine Liza fünf Jahre alt ist, trennen sich ihre Eltern, und sie muss zwischen Mutter und Vater hin und her tingeln. Viele Schulwechsel prägen ihre Kindheit. Diese unkonventionellen ersten Jahre hinterlassen Spuren für den Rest ihres Lebens. Bei ihrem Vater lernt die junge Schauspielerin, ihre Träume auszuleben und so zu sein, wie sie möchte. Ihre Mutter ist eine strenge Frau, die Minnelli Vieles vorschreibt und verbietet. Später meint der Star dazu: "My mother gave me my drive, but my father gave me my dreams". Sie will aus den Fehlern ihrer Mutter lernen, wie Liza in einem Interview angibt. 1952 heiratet Judy Garland schon ihren neuen Mann Sid Luft, und Liza bekommt eine neue Schwester und einen kleinen Bruder.

1961 nimmt Minnelli sich vor, eine Schauspielschule in New York zu besuchen, bricht diese jedoch bald wieder ab. In Zukunft übernimmt sie kleinere Parts in Filmen oder synchronisiert Stimmen. Den ersten wirklichen Erfolg kann Liza schon mit 17 Jahren feiern, als sie ihr Debüt im Broadway Musical Best Foot Forward gibt. Ihr erstes Albumrelease findet im Jahr 1964 auf dem Label Capitol statt und steigt in die Billboard Charts ein, was die folgenden Alben nicht mehr erreichen. Erst "Live at the London Palladium" schafft es in die Top 100 und ebnet den Weg für eine große Gesangskarriere. Mit 19 bringt sie als jüngste Frau seit der Entstehung des Preises den Tony Award mit nachhause. Weitere erfolgreiche Platten und Musical-Auftritte folgen.

1967 heiratet Liza Minnelli Singer/Songwriter Peter Allen, von dem sie sich bald wieder trennt. Drei Wochen nach der Hochzeit stellt sich heraus, dass er homosexuell veranlagt ist. Wenige Jahre später stirbt dieser Ex-Mann an Aids. Es ist nicht das letzte Mal, dass Minnelli sich in einen homosexuellen Mann verliebt. Alle ihre drei Ehen scheitern mit der Zeit, doch mit ihren künstlerischen Aktivitäten kann Liza zukünftig mehr Erfolg verbuchen. 1969 gewinnt sie den Preis Academy Award als beste Schauspielerin. Etliche weitere Auszeichnungen folgen. Ende der Siebziger floppen immer mehr ihrer Streifen, und die Allrounderin beginnt, vermehrt rund um den Erdball zu touren.

Auch das private Leben der Diva gerät aus dem Lot. So muss sie in die berühmte Prominenten-Entzugsklinik Betty Ford gehen, um eine Therapie zu machen. Im Juni 1985 meldet sie sich jedoch mit einer Tour zurück, neue Veröffentlichungen erreichen nach zehn Jahren Stillstand wieder die Charts. Die Party-Queen kollaboriert sogar mit den derzeit populären Pet Shop Boys. Sie gönnt sich keine Pause und dreht einen Film nach dem anderen ab. Mit einigen Kollabos kann Liza sich in den Dance-Charts breit machen und die Top 10 knacken.

Im März 1996 produziert sie mit Angel Records ein Pop-Standart-Werk. Eine Promotion-Tour schließt an die Veröffentlichung an und endet mit einer Grammy-Nominierung für die beste traditionelle Pop Performance. "There is no glitter or pizzazz to my vocals. It's just raw me, singing as sweetly and honestly as I know how."

Doch auch dieser Lebensabschnitt ist geprägt durch Schicksalsschläge. Eine schlimme Lungenentzündung und eine Gehirnentzündung müssen im Jahre 2001 bewältigt werden. Selbst diese Steine im Weg der Frau, die schon früh auf eigenen Beinen stehen muss, bringen sie nicht davon ab, weitere Auftritte zu absolvieren: "I know how to deal with all this".

Liza May Minnelli (* 12. März 1946 in Los Angeles) ist eine US-amerikanische Schauspielerin und Sängerin. Die Rolle der Sally Bowles in dem Musical-Film Cabaret brachte ihr Weltruhm.


Familie, Jugend und Ausbildung

Liza Minnelli wurde am 12. März 1946 als Tochter des US-amerikanischen Film- und Bühnenstars Judy Garland und des italienischstämmigen Filmregisseurs Vincente Minnelli geboren. Sie wuchs in Hollywood auf und besuchte verschiedene Privatschulen im In- und Ausland. Ihr Patenonkel war Ira Gershwin, der Bruder von George Gershwin. So kam sie früh mit dem Showbusiness in Kontakt. Ihren ersten Filmauftritt hatte Minnelli neben ihrer Mutter Judy Garland in dem Film Damals im Sommer. Nach der Trennung der Eltern wuchs sie bei ihrer Mutter auf und kümmerte sich um die jüngeren Geschwister aus den folgenden Ehen ihrer Mutter.

Es zog Minnelli ans Theater, wo der große Name zunächst hinderlich erschien. Als Teenager nahm sie an Auditions teil, ohne ihren richtigen Namen zu nennen und spielte 1961 auf einer Tournee in Die Tagebücher der Anne Frank die Rolle der Anne Frank. Mit 16 Jahren begann sie eine Schauspielausbildung am Herbert-Berghof-Studio. 1963 hatte Minnelli ihr Broadway-Debüt in dem Stück Best Foot Forward und trat im gleichen Jahr erstmals gemeinsam mit ihrer Mutter in der Judy-Garland-Show auf. In dieser Show hatte sie zwei Solo-Auftritte und Duette mit ihrer Mutter und wurde erstmals einem Millionen-Publikum vor dem Bildschirm bekannt gemacht.


Im November 1964 bestritt sie gemeinsam mit ihrer Mutter Judy Garland zwei Konzerte im Londoner Palladium, daraus entstanden eine Fernsehproduktion und die Schallplatte. "Judy Garland & Liza Minnelli Live At The London Palladium", Capitol. Im gleichen Jahr nahm sie zusammen mit dem Arrangeur und Orchesterleiter Peter Matz auch ihre erste Solo-LP "Liza! Liza!" (Capitol) auf.

Im Alter von 19 Jahren spielte Liza Minnelli ihre erste Hauptrolle in dem Broadway-Musical "Flora, The Red Menace", wofür sie als jüngste Schauspielerin aller Zeiten einen Tony Award erhielt. Es war gleichzeitig der Beginn einer jahrzehntelangen Zusammenarbeit mit dem Autorenpaar des Musicals, John Kander und Fred Ebb, die zahlreiche Songs, Shows und Konzerte für sie schrieben.

1967 gab Minnelli im Vereinigten Königreich ihr professionelles Debüt als Filmschauspielerin unter der Regie von Albert Finney in Charlie Bubbles - Ein erfolgreicher Blindgänger. Im selben Jahr heiratete sie den Sänger Peter Allen, von dem sie sich 1972 scheiden ließ. Von 1974 bis 1979 war sie dann mit dem Schauspieler Jack Haley Jr. verheiratet.

Während Judy Garland noch das Rollenfach der Ingenue verkörperte, konnte sich Liza Minelli als Angehörige der 68er-Generation mit einem Zug ins Rebellische und Zynische profilieren. 1969 wurde sie für den Oscar und den Golden Globe für die Hauptrolle in dem Film The Sterile Cuckoo nominiert, der in Großbritannien unter dem Titel Pookie in den Kinos lief.

1972 erreichte Liza Minnelli einen Karrierehöhepunkt und drehte ihren bis heute erfolgreichsten Film: Bob Fosse engagierte sie für die Hauptrolle der Sally Bowles in seiner Verfilmung des Broadway-Musicals Cabaret. Der Film legte Minnelli das Image eines Musical- und Showstars auf und die Songs "Maybe This Time", "Mein Herr" und "Cabaret" wurden zu ihrem Markenzeichen. Für ihre Rolle wurde sie mit dem Oscar als beste weibliche Hauptdarstellerin ausgezeichnet, erhielt einen Golden Globe und einen British Film Academy Award. Im gleichen Jahr produzierte Bob Fosse mit ihr für das Fernsehen die Personality-Show Liza With A "Z", die einen Emmy-Award erhielt.

Liza Minnelli konnte sich fortan in zahlreichen Fernseh- und Konzertshows etablieren. So trat sie auch mit Kollegen aus dem Showbusiness gemeinsam auf, etwa mit Goldie Hawn, Frank Sinatra und Sammy Davis Jr. sowie Charles Aznavour auf und erntete viel Lob für ihre künstlerische Vielfältigkeit.

Bis in die 80er Jahre folgte eine Reihe erfolgreicher Kinofilme mit Minnelli in den Hauptrollen: 1975 besetzte sie Regisseur Stanley Donen in der Komödie "Abenteuer auf der Lucky Lady". Martin Scorsese engagierte 1977 sie als weibliche Hauptdarstellerin neben Robert De Niro in dem tragikomischen Musikfilm New York, New York, der ein künstlerischer, jedoch kein kommerzieller Erfolg wurde und Minnelli eine Nominierung für den Golden Globe einbrachte. Der ebenfalls von Kander & Ebb geschriebene Titelsong „Theme from New York, New York“ wurde durch die Neuinterpretation von Frank Sinatra ein Welthit und die inoffizielle Hymne der Stadt New York.

Auch zum Broadway fand Minnelli immer wieder zurück. Nachdem sie im Jahr 1975 spontan für einige Wochen die Hauptrolle der erkrankten Gwen Verdon im Kander & Ebb-Musical „Chicago“ übernommen hatte, spielte sie im Jahr 1977 erneut unter der Regie von Scorsese die Hauptrolle in „The Act“, für die sie einen weiteren Tony Award erhielt. 1984 folgte an der Seite von Chita Rivera die Hauptrolle in einem weiteren Kander & Ebb Musical „The Rink“.

1979 heiratete Minnelli den Bildhauer Mark Gero, der zeitweise als ihr Manager fungierte. Mitte der 80er trennten sie sich, die offizielle Scheidung erfolgte aber erst 1992.

1981 spielte Minnelli neben Dudley Moore in der Komödie Arthur - Kein Kind von Traurigkeit sowie erneut in dessen Fortsetzung Arthur 2 - On the Rocks von 1988. Mit Dudley Moore kam sie 1994 wieder in dem Fernseh-Krimi Tödliches Klassentreffen in Kontakt.

Mitte der 80er Jahre wurde es ruhiger um Liza Minnelli, sie wurde tabletten- und alkoholkrank und litt an Depressionen. 1984 besuchte sie eine Entziehungskur. Für ihre Hauptrolle in dem Fernsehfilm Ein kurzes Leben lang erhielt sie 1986 den Golden Globe.

1987 feierte Liza Minnelli ein Comeback und zugleich eines ihrer erfolgreichsten Konzerte innerhalb eines dreiwöchigen Gastspiels in der New Yorker Carnegie Hall. Im selben Jahr trat sie in der Rolle eines Ex-Callgirls neben Burt Reynolds in dem Actionfilm Rent-a-Cop auf.

1989 erschien ihr Pop-Album "Results", das von den Pet Shop Boys produziert wurde und in Europa sehr erfolgreich war, jedoch nicht in den USA. Im selben Jahr ersetzte sie den kranken Dean Martin innerhalb einer Tournee neben Frank Sinatra und Sammy Davis Jr..

1990 wurde Minnelli mit dem Grammy Legend Award ausgezeichnet. 1991 erhielt sie für ihre Theaterkarriere einen Stern auf dem Hollywood Walk of Fame. 1992 trat sie zusammen mit vielen anderen Stars beim Freddie Mercury Tribute Concert auf und sang den Finalsong We Are The Champions.

1991 kam der bislang letzte Film mit Liza Minnelli als Protagonistin in die Kinos: Stepping Out, in dem sie einen einstigen Broadway-Star darstellt. Für diesen Film wurde eine Promotion-Tanzshow inszeniert, die sogar erfolgreicher als der Film selbst war.

Im Jahr 1992 hatte Liza Minnelli ein weiteres erfolgreiches Konzert in der Radio City Music Hall, welches als Live-Konzert aufgezeichnet wurde und auch als CD erhältlich ist.

1997 ersetzte sie kurzfristig die erkrankte Julie Andrews als Hauptdarstellerin in dem Musical Victor/Victoria.

1999 kehrte Minnelli als Hommage an ihren Vater mit der Show “Minnelli on Minnelli” auf die Bühne des New Yorker Palace Theater zurück.

Kurz nach Erscheinen der CD “Minnelli on Minnelli” im Februar 2000 wurde sie mit Enzephalitis ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert. Ihr Comeback-Album “Liza’s Back!” folgte im Oktober 2002. Im selben Jahr heiratete sie den Konzertmanager David Gest, die eigentliche Beziehung dauerte jedoch nur wenige Monate; 2007 erfolgte die Scheidung.

Im Jahr 2006 absolvierte sie bei rekordverdächtigen Eintrittspreisen bis zu 170 € eine weitgehend ausverkaufte Europa-Tournee; hierbei gab sie auch sechs Konzerte in Deutschland. Die Kritiken in den letzten Jahren sind bezüglich ihrer Leistungen wieder kontinuierlich besser geworden. Nach ihrer schweren Enzephalitis scheint sie sich nun langsam wieder den Weg an eine größere Öffentlichkeit zurück zu bahnen.

Am 9. September 2007 sang Liza Minnelli vor dem Herrenfinale der US-Open in Flushing Meadows God Bless America von Irving Berlin.

Für das Jahresende sind das Erscheinen einer neuen CD sowie ein Fernsehspecial angekündet.


Minnelli erlitt drei Fehlgeburten, war in den 1990er Jahren tabletten- und alkoholkrank, machte eine Entziehungskur. 2000 erlitt sie eine Enzephalitis, die sie zeitweise an den Rollstuhl fesselte. Ihr wurden zwei künstliche Hüften eingesetzt und sie erhielt ein künstliches Kniegelenk. Zur Zeit machen hin und wieder Gerüchte um gelegentliche Rückfälle in den Alkoholismus die Runde. Es scheint aber, als ob sie diesen mit professioneller Hilfe im Griff habe.



Fernsehfilme als Schauspielerin

  • 1964: Mr Broadway: Nightingale For Sale

  • 1965: The Dangerous Christmas of Red Riding Hood

  • 1968: That's Life: Twas the Night Before Christmas

  • 1984: Die Prinzessin auf der Erbse (Faerie Tale Theatre: The Princess and the Pea)

  • 1985: Ein kurzes Leben lang (A Time To Live)

  • 1988: Sam Found Out: A Triple Play

  • 1994: Tödliches Klassentreffen (Parallel Lives)

  • 1995: The West Side Rhythm (West Side Waltz)

  • 1999: Jackie's Back (Cameo-Auftritt)

  • 2003-2005: Arrested Development (10 Folgen)

  • 2006: Law and Order - Criminal Intent: Masquerade

Eigene Fernsehspecials

  • 1958: Ford Star Jubilee: The Wizard of Oz

  • 1964: Judy and Liza at the Palladium (mit Judy Garland)

  • 1972: Liza with a 'Z'

  • 1974: Love from A to Z (mit Charles Aznavour

  • 1980: Goldie and Liza Together (mit Goldie Hawn)

  • 1980: An Evening with Liza Minnelli

  • 1986: Liza in London

  • 1987: Minnelli on Minnelli: Liza Remembers Vincente

  • 1989: Frank, Liza, Sammy: The Ultimate Event (mit Frank Sinatra und Sammy Davis jr.)

  • 1992: Liza Minnelli Live from Radio City Music Hall

  • 1993: Liza & Friends: A Tribute to Sammy Davis, jr."

  • 2004: Biography: Liza Minnelli

Gastauftritte in Fernsehshows (Auswahl)

  • 1958: The Jack Paar Tonight Show

  • 1959: The Gene Kelly Show

  • 1960: Hedda Hopper's Hollywood

  • 1963: The Jack Paar Program

  • 1963: The Judy Garland Show (zwei Folgen)

  • 1963: Toast of the Town (The Ed Sullivan Show)

  • 1963: The Tonight Show

  • 1965: What's My Line?

  • 1965: I've Got a Secret

  • 1965: Toast of the Town (The Ed Sullivan Show) (drei Folgen)

  • 1966: The Danny Kaye Show

  • 1966: The Perry Como Show

  • 1966: The Hollywood Palace

  • 1966: The Hippodrome Show

  • 1967: The Kraft Music Hall (zwei Folgen)

  • 1967: The Match Game (zwei Folgen)

  • 1967: The Carol Burnett Show

  • 1967: The Hollywood Palace (zwei Folgen)

  • 1967: The Tonight Show

  • 1967: The Mike Douglas Show

  • 1968: Girl Talk

  • 1968: The Hollywood Palace (zwei Folgen)

  • 1968: Comedy is King

  • 1968: Toast of the Town (The Ed Sullivan Show) (zwei Folgen)

  • 1968: The Tonight Show

  • 1968: The Carol Burnett Show

  • 1969: The Mike Douglas Show (fünf Folgen)

  • 1969: The Glen Campbell Goodtime Hour

  • 1969: The Joey Bishop Show

  • 1969: Toast of the Town (The Ed Sullivan Show) (drei Folgen)

  • 1969-1970: The Dick Cavett Show (zwei Folgen)

  • 1969-1970: This Is Tom Jones (zwei Folgen)

  • 1970: Toast of the Town (The Ed Sullivan Show)

  • 1970: The Johnny Cash Show

  • 1970: The David Frost Show

  • 1971: The Pearl Bailey Show

  • 1971: Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In

  • 1973: The Merv Griffin Show

  • 1974: The Tonight Show

  • 1975: The Dick Cavett Show

  • 1975: The Mike Douglas Show (vier Folgen)

  • 1975: The Tonight Show

  • 1975: Sammy and Company (mit Sammy Davis jr.

  • 1975: Judy: The Ultra Secret (Dokumentation)

  • 1975: Dinah! (mit Dinah Shore)

  • 1977: The Mike Douglas Show

  • 1977: The Merv Griffin Show

  • 1978: People

  • 1978: An American In Pasadena (mit Gene Kelly)

  • 1979: The Muppet Show

  • 1980: The Tonight Show

  • 1980: Baryshnikov on Broadway

  • 1981: The Tonight Show

  • 1985: The Tonight Show

  • 1986: 60 Minutes

  • 1986: The Tonight Show

  • 1988: Late Night with David Letterman

  • 1988: The Oprah Winfrey Show

  • 1989: Wetten, dass..?

  • 1989: The Dame Edna Experience

  • 1991: The Phil Donahue Show

  • 1992: The Oprah Winfrey Show

  • 1992: The Tonight Show

  • 1992: The Howard Stern Show

  • 1992: A Concert for Life: A Tribute to Freddie Mercury

  • 1993: Larry King Live

  • 1994: The Tonight Show

  • 1995: Die Peter-Alexander-Show

  • 1995: Tony Bennett: Here's to the Ladies - A Concert of Hope

  • 1995: The Tonight Show

  • 1996: The Clive James Show

  • 1996: Pavarotti & Friends for War Child

  • 1996: The Oprah Winfrey Show

  • 2002: Larry King Live

  • 2002: The Late Show with David Letterman (zwei Folgen)

  • 2003: Ruby Wax with: Liza Minnelli and Husband

  • 2004: Larry King Live

  • 2004: Menschen bei Maischberger

  • 2004-2006: The Tony Danza Show (vier Folgen)

  • 2005: Beckmann

  • 2005: Hape trifft...

  • 2006: Larry King Live

  • 2006: The Late Show with David Letterman


  • 1964 - Liza! Liza!

  • 1965 - Flora, The Red Menace (Original Broadway Cast Recording)

  • 1965 - It Amazes Me

  • 1965 - Live At The London Palladium - gemeinsam mit Judy Garland (auch als DVD erhältlich)

  • 1966 - There Is A Time

  • 1968 - Liza Minnelli - mit Songs wie The Look of Love und dem Beatles-Song For No One

  • 1969 - Come Saturday Morning

  • 1970 - New Feelin'

  • 1972 - Liza With A "Z" - A Concert For Television (Regie: Bob Fosse, Buch: Fred Ebb)

  • 1972 - Live At The Olympia In Paris

  • 1973 - The Singer

  • 1977 - New York, New York (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

  • 1977 - The Act (Original Broadway Cast Recording)

  • 1977 - Tropical Nights

  • 1978 - Maybe This Time

  • 1984 - The Rink (Original Broadway Cast Recording)

  • 1987 - Liza Minnelli At Carnegie Hall

  • 1989 - Results (produziert von den Pet Shop Boys)

  • 1991 - Stepping Out (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack, Titelsong von Kander & Ebb gesungen von Liza Minnelli)

  • 1992 - Live From Radio City Music Hall

  • 1996 - Gently - u. a. im Duett mit Donna Summer

  • 2000 - Minnelli on Minnelli - Live At The Palace

  • 2001 - The Capitol Years (Compilation)

  • 2002 - Liza's Back

  • 2006 - Liza Minnelli Feat. My Chemical Romance on "Mama" from The Black Parade


Academy Awards (Oscars)


  • 1972 Beste Hauptdarstellerin (Cabaret)


  • 1969 Beste Hauptdarstellerin (The Sterile Cuckoo)

Golden Globe Awards


  • 1972 Beste Filmschauspielerin, Komödie/Musical (Cabaret)

  • 1985 Beste Schauspielerin in einem Fernsehfilm (A Time To Live)


  • 1969 Beste Filmschauspielerin, Drama (The Sterile Cuckoo)

  • 1975 Beste Filmschauspielerin, Komödie/Musical (Lucky Lady)

  • 1977 Beste Filmschauspielerin, Komödie/Musical (New York, New York)

  • 1981 Beste Filmschauspielerin, Komödie/Musical (Arthur)

Emmy Awards


  • 1972 Herausragendes Special, Variety/Populärmusik (Liza with a 'Z!') (zusammen mit Bob Fosse und Fred Ebb


  • 1973 Herausragende Nebendarstellerin, Variety/Musik (A Royal Gala Variety Performance in the Presence of Her Majest the Queen)

  • 1980 Herausragendes Special, Variety/Musik (Goldie and Liza Together) (zusammen mit Goldie Hawn, Fred Ebb, Dan Mischer und George Schlatter)

  • 1987 Herausragendes Special, Dokumentation (Minnelli on Minnelli: Liza Remembers Vincente) (zusammen mit Jack Haley jr., David Niven jr. und David Schickel)

  • 1992 Herausragendes Special, Variety/Musik (Liza Minnelli Live from Radio City Music Hall)

Tony Awards


  • 1965 Beste Hauptdarstellerin, Musical (Flora, the Red Menace)

  • 1974 Special Tony Award

  • 1978 Beste Hauptdarstellerin, Musical (The Act)


  • 1984 Beste Hauptdarstellerin, Musical (The Rink)

Grammy Awards


  • 1990 Grammy Legend Award


  • 1996 Bestes traditionelles Pop-Album (Gently)

  • by


Liza May Minnelli (Los Angeles12 marzo 1946) è un attrice e cantante statunitense.


Liza Minnelli è figlia d'arte: nacque infatti dalle nozze tra Judy Garland, star di Hollywood e cantante di successo, ed il suo secondo marito, il celebrato regista cinematografico Vincente Minnelli. Inoltre, il suo padrino fu il compositore e librettista Ira Gershwin. Da mamma Judy impara a muoversi sul paloscenico e ad usare la propria voce. Dopo il divorzio dei suoi genitori, la giovane Liza resta con sua madre.

A sedici anni è a New York dove cerca lavoro come cantante e attrice. L'occasione le si presenta quando nel 1963 viene chiamata a prender parte allo spettacolo Best Foot Forward, che resterà con successo in cartellone per ben sei mesi. L'anno seguente sua madre la chiama per esibirsi con lei nel suo concerto al London Palladium. La performance delle due donne è accolta trionfalmente, e in quell'occasione Liza avrebbe incontrato il suo primo marito, Peter Allen. Dotata di una bellezza solare ed intrigante, e di una voce vibrante ed incisiva, molto simile a quella della Garland, la giovane Liza è ormai entrata alla grande a far parte del mondo dello spettacolo.

Nel 1965, a soli diciannove anni, vince un Tony Award per la sua interpretazione nello spettacolo Flora, the Red Menace. Nel 1967 intanto debutta nel cinema e nel '69 viene già nominata all'Oscar per la sua interpretazione nel film Pookie. Negli anni '70, nonostante continui a mietere successi in teatro, tra l'altro guadagnando un altro Tony Award per la sua splendida interpretazione in The Act, si butta anima e corpo nel cinema.

Nel 1972 è insuperabile come spumeggiante e al contempo malinconica ballerina di cabaret nel grande musical Cabaret di Bob Fosse, in cui lancia canzoni come Cabaret e Money, Money, Money. Per questo ruolo ottiene un meritatissimo premio Oscar. Nel '72 ottiene un premio Emmy per il suo special televisivo Liza with a Z, e quattro anni dopo è di nuovo alla grande sullo schermo come romantica cantante di jazz innamorata di un musicista scorbutico (interpretato da Robert De Niro) nel musical New York, New York di Martin Scorsese, in cui lancia l'indimenticabile canzone che dà il titolo al film. Nel frattempo pubblica un gran numero di dischi vendendo milioni di copie ed incide alcuni indimenticabili duetti con Frank Sinatra.

Con lo stesso Sinatra alla fine degli anni ottanta e nei primi anni novanta compie tourneè in giro per il mondo, ottenendo un grandioso successo.

Tuttavia, nel 1988 si aggiudicò il premio Razzie Awards per la peggiore interpretazione cinematografica dell'anno in Arturo 2 on the rocks e Poliziotto in affitto.

Nella vita privata, però, non va tutto per il meglio: nel 1974 divorzia da Allen per sposare il regista Jack Haley Jr., lasciato a sua volta qualche anno dopo per lo scultore Mark Gero. Negli anni '80 la Minnelli continua a dare buone interpretazioni sullo schermo, come in Arturo (1981). e ad esibirsi in concerti affollati di fans, ma la vita notturna e l'abuso di alcolici e farmaci stanno cominciando a minare la sua salute.

Ormai disintossicata, negli ultimi anni continua ad incantare il pubblico soprattutto per le sue esibizioni teatrali e televisive, facendo ancora discutere per le sue scelte sentimentali (come il suo matrimonio, durato dal marzo del 2002 al maggio del 2003, col discografico gay David Gest).



orn March 12, 1946 (1946-03-12) (age 61)
Los Angeles, California, U.S. Occupation singer, actress Years active 1949 - present Spouse(s) Peter Allen (1967-1974)
Jack Haley, Jr. (1974-1979)
Mark Gero (1979-1992)
David Gest (2002-2003) Parents Vincente Minnelli (1903-1986)
Judy Garland

iza May Minnelli (born March 12, 1946 in Los Angeles, California) is an American actress and singer. She is the daughter of legendary actress and singer Judy Garland and her second husband, film director Vincente Minnelli. In 1972, she won an Academy Award for Best Actress for her role in Cabaret and two of her records have been certified gold.


Minnelli is from a well-known artistic family; her maternal lineage had entertainers in the family going back six generations.Her famous mother, Judy Garland, had success in film and in music, and her aunts had been part of a singing group, "The Gumm Sisters", with her mother. Her father, also from a theatrical family including circus performers, was an acclaimed film director. Minnelli's first film appearance was at the age of three in the final scene of the 1949 musical In the Good Old Summertime, starring her mother and Van Johnson.

Although Minnelli and her mother shared a warm personal relationship, during the London Palladium performances Garland recognized Minnelli's talent and felt a sense of competition. Minnelli recalled a time where she was singing on stage: "I was onstage with my mother, but suddenly, she wasn't Mama ... she was Judy Garland.".[1]

As a teenager with two younger siblings, Minnelli bore the brunt of Garland's substance abuse issues and instability, and often had to take responsibility for her mother and siblings. Minnelli's half-siblings through her mother are sister Lorna Luft and brother Joe "Joey" Luft. Her half-siblings are a result of Garland's marriage to her manager Sid Luft. She also has a half-sibling Tina Nina Minnelli through her father's second marriage.

She has also been portrayed in the Australian musical The Boy From Oz starring Hugh Jackman. On Broadway, she was portrayed by Broadway star Stephanie J. Block. The show received four Tony nominations.

Public life

Her well-publicized struggles with substance abuse have made inevitable parallels and comparisons to her mother's personal and career challenges. Minnelli has been in rehab for her substance abuse numerous times. She entered rehab shortly before her marriage to David Gest.[Another visit occurred at their first anniversary; she recently visited rehab and a psychiatric center to deal with issues stemming from her contentious divorce from Gest.


Minnelli has been married (and divorced) four times; her husbands have been:

  1. Peter Allen (real name Peter Allen Woolnough) (March 3, 19671972). Australian-born Allen, who died of complications from AIDS in 1992. Allen was Judy Garland's protégé in the mid-1960s.

  2. Jack Haley Jr., (September 15, 19741979), a producer and director. His father, Jack Haley, was Garland's co-star in The Wizard of Oz.

  3. Mark Gero (December 4, 1979–1992), a sculptor and stage manager

  4. David Gest (March 16, 2002July 25, 2003), a concert promoter.

Minnelli's divorce from Gest was particularly acrimonious. Gest alleged that Minnelli infected him with herpes and did not disclose it until after the wedding, whereas Minnelli claimed Gest was a drug addict.The couple filed divorce papers in February 2007. Separation and subsequent divorce proceedings from Gest in 2003 had been fraught with controversy. Minnelli and Gest signed an agreement in January 2007 to end all pending lawsuits against each other, and to proceed with a no-fault divorce. Prior legal matters were either resolved or dismissed.



Minnelli started performing (professionally) at age 17, in 1963, in an Off-Broadway revival of the musical Best Foot Forward, for which she received good notices, and her first award -- The Theatre World Award. The next year, her mother invited Minnelli to perform with her at the London Palladium. The audience loved her, launching her future concert career. She returned to Broadway at 19, and won a 1965 Tony Award for Flora the Red Menace.


Her first film role was as the love-interest in Albert Finney's only film as director and star, Charlie Bubbles (1967).

In 1969 she appeared in Alan J. Pakula's first feature film, The Sterile Cuckoo (1969), as Pookie Adams, a needy, eccentric teenager. Her performance won her her first Academy Award nomination. She played another eccentric character the following year in Tell Me That You Love Me, Junie Moon, directed by Otto Preminger.

In 1972, Minnelli appeared in perhaps her best-known film role, as Sally Bowles in the movie version of Cabaret. Minnelli won the Best Actress Academy Award for her performance, along with a Golden Globe Award, and was featured on the covers of Time and Newsweek Magazines simultaneously.

Hot off the success of the movie, Fosse and Minnelli teamed up for what was to become a groundbreaking show in several departments. Liza with a 'Z', a filmed concert later aired only two times on TV until the somewhat "accidental" recovery from the vaults and first public release on DVD in 2006. In the concert, filmed over two performances, Minnelli danced and sang in several daring and censor-challenging costumes designed by famed costume-designer Halston. Several awards were the reward for what is regarded by both critics and public as a piece of show business history.

Following a string of less successful feature movies and ventures into television, she finally got the chance to work with her father, director Vincente Minnelli, in the 1976 fantasy-musical A Matter of Time, co-starring Ingrid Bergman. After severe editing and cutting, done at the request of the producers, the film was neither a commercial nor a critical success.

Her appearance opposite Robert De Niro in the 1977 film, New York, New York however, gave Minnelli her best known signature song, "Theme from New York, New York". Frank Sinatra released a successful cover version (for his Trilogy: Past Present Future album) two years later and used it as his signature song as well, sometimes even duetting with Liza live on stage.

After her performance as leading lady to Dudley Moore in 1981's Arthur, Minnelli made fewer film appearances.

Later career

Minnelli's career has been known to be filled with highs and lows, both personal and professional, but she has never stopped recording albums, even though in her later career these were mostly live recordings of her concerts, several of them highly acclaimed[citation needed] record-breaking[citation needed] stints at the Radio City Music Hall among others. In the beginnings, however, she recorded several studio albums, for A&M and Capitol Records. The Capitol albums "Liza! Liza!", "It Amazes Me" and "There Is A Time" have recently been reissued on a 2CD compilation, for the first time in their entirety. Her perhaps biggest success in the music department might be the 1989 pop album Results, recorded with English duo Pet Shop Boys, which included a hit version of the Stephen Sondheim song "Losing My Mind"[citation needed]. The album spawned 4 singles ("Don't Drop Bombs", "Losing My Mind", "Love Pains" and "So Sorry, I Said") and gave her a chance to film promotional videos for them and enjoy another long-overdue comeback in the music business. Initially released on a VHS tape titled "Visible Results", the clips were later issued on a bonus DVD included in the 2005 remastered and expanded edition of the album. Later that year she performed "Losing My Mind" live at the Grammys ceremony before receiving a Grammy Legend Award, making her one of only 12 other entertainers, in a list that includes Whoopi Goldberg, Barbra Streisand, and Mel Brooks among others, to win an Emmy, Grammy, Tony, and Academy Award, even though she is sometimes discounted since her Grammy was a special award and was not won in a competitive category.

She returned to Broadway in 1997, taking over the title role in the musical Victor/Victoria, replacing Julie Andrews. In his review, New York Times critic Ben Brantley commented, "her every stage appearance is perceived as a victory of show-business stamina over psychic frailty... She asks for love so nakedly and earnestly, it seems downright vicious not to respond." However, rumors of ill will between her and co-star Tony Roberts gained momentum when he deliberately skipped performances.

After a serious case of viral encephalitis in 2000, Minnelli was in very bad shape, her family and friends were seriously worried, and even a feud with half-sister Lorna was buried. Doctors predicted the rest of her life in a wheelchair. She however refused to accept this and thanks to her dance lessons, which she still takes daily, managed to achieve yet another comeback, with her then-husband who produced her big show "Liza's Back" in 2002.

After this success, the world was again made aware of Minnelli's entertainment capabilities and she kept on touring the world and had offers coming from several fields in the business. She had once again all doors open to her, the only thing that seems to escape her is another big movie role, with her last big mark on the silver screen being in 1981 in the comedy Arthur.

In 2004 and 2005 she appeared as a recurring character on the critically acclaimed TV sitcom Arrested Development as Lucille Austero, the lover of sexually and socially awkward Buster Bluth and also the lover of Buster's brother GOB Bluth.

In September 2006, she made a guest appearance on the long-running NBC drama Law & Order: Criminal Intent. Masquerade, the Halloween-themed episode, was written by Gina Gionfriddo and broadcast on Tuesday, October 31, 2006.[5] She also completed guest vocals on My Chemical Romance's 2006 concept album The Black Parade, portraying "Mother War", a dark conception of the main character's mother, in the song "Mama".

Her latest project is the imminent release of a collection of songs that her godmother Kay Thompson originated. In 2007 she has added the songs to her latest tour to introduce them to audiences.

It has recently been announced that once she has completed the collection of songs that Kay Thompson originated and also her tour, she will begin filming Katie's Blues, which she is in negotiations with the writers of the movie musical Chicago in writing the script. Liza will write, produce and star in the film.

Signature song

Minnelli had several notable public performances of her signature song, "New York, New York", some of them are:

Awards and other recognitions

Minnelli's appearance in The Sterile Cuckoo garnered the young actress her first Academy Award nomination.

In 1973, she won the Academy Award for Best Actress for the movie released in 1972, Cabaret.

She also won an Emmy Award for the 1972 TV special Liza with a 'Z', a 1989 Grammy Legend Award, and Golden Globe Awards for both Cabaret and the 1985 TV movie A Time to Live.

She has received three Tony Awards to date: a Tony for Best Actress in a Musical in 1965 for "Flora the Red Menace" (and for it still holds the record as the youngest person to receive a Tony for lead in a musical), a special Tony in 1974 for her concert engagement at NY's Winter Garden, and a second Tony, for The Act in 1978. She was nominated in 1984 for The Rink but lost to her costar, Chita Rivera.

Minnelli has one Oscar and Emmy, three Tony Awards, along with a special Grammy. She has the distinction of being one of the few Academy Award winners whose parents were both Academy Award nominees, and she is the only winner of that award whose parents were both winners of it as well.


Minnelli's work in Cabaret molded her popular image; the black helmet of hair, huge eyes and extravagant eyelashes have remained her visual trademarks. The perception among many is that she embodies the same characteristics she portrayed as Sally Bowles's that is a combination of fragility, determination, detachment from reality and hunger for affection. During the Eighties she softened her image and has kept it ever since. Recently, she has suffered from fluctuating weight and has faced severe health problems, including having had both hips replaced, other surgeries, and stints in rehab. Despite this, she stated she will keep on doing what she does best as long as her body allows her to. A recent interview session filmed for “Inside the Actor's Studio” in which she provided insight into her career and style, she stated she will continue to be herself. Her later image is notable for big eyebrows, which has become something of a signature look for her, as much as the black helmet hair was in the 1970s.


Year Film Role Other notes
1949 In the Good Old Summertime Baby uncredited
1954 The Long, Long Trailer   scenes deleted
1967 Charlie Bubbles Eliza  
1969 The Sterile Cuckoo 'Pookie' (Mary Ann) Adams Nominated - Academy Award for Best Actress;
Nominated -
BAFTA Award; Nominated - Golden Globe
1970 Tell Me That You Love Me, Junie Moon Junie Moon  
1972 Cabaret Sally Bowles Academy Award for Best Actress; BAFTA Award; Golden Globe
1974 Just One More Time Herself uncredited (short subject)
That's Entertainment! Herself (narrator)  
Journey Back to Oz Dorothy voice
1975 Lucky Lady Claire Nominated - Golden Globe
1976 Silent Movie Herself  
A Matter of Time Nina  
1977 New York, New York Francine Evans Nominated - Golden Globe
1981 Arthur Linda Marolla Nominated - Golden Globe
1983 The King of Comedy Herself appears in gag cardboard cutout
1984 The Muppets Take Manhattan Herself  
1985 That's Dancing! Herself - Host  
1987 Pinocchio and the Emperor of the Night   voice
Rent-A-Cop Della Roberts  
1988 Arthur 2: On the Rocks Linda Marolla Bach  
1991 Stepping Out Mavis Turner  
1994 A Century of Cinema Herself documentary
1995 Unzipped Herself - uncredited documentary
2006 The OH in Ohio Alyssa Donahue  
Upcoming: 2008 [[Broadway: Beyond the Golden Age]] Herself documentary
Katie's Blues    



  • Best Foot Forward (1963) (Original Cast Recording)

  • Liza! Liza! (1964) US #115

  • Judy Garland and Liza Minnelli Live at the London Palladium (1965) US #41

  • Flora the Red Menace (1965) (Original Cast Recording) US #111

  • It Amazes Me (1965)

  • There Is a Time (1966)

  • The Dangerous Christmas of Red Riding Hood (1966) (soundtrack)

  • Liza Minnelli (1968)

  • Come Saturday Morning (1969)

  • New Feelin' (1970) US #158

  • Liza Minnelli: Live at the Olympia in Paris (1972, recorded in December 1969)

  • Cabaret (1972) (soundtrack) US #25 UK #13

  • Liza with a 'Z' (1972) (soundtrack) US #19 UK #9

  • The Singer (1973) US #38 UK #45

  • Liza Minnelli: Live at the Winter Garden (1974) US #150

  • Lucky Lady (1975) (soundtrack)

  • A Matter of Time (1976) (soundtrack)

  • New York, New York (1977) (soundtrack) US #50

  • Tropical Nights (1977)

  • The Act (1978) (Original Cast Recording)

  • Live at Carnegie Hall (1981)

  • The Rink (1984) (Original Cast Recording)

  • Liza Minnelli at Carnegie Hall (1987) US #156

  • Results (1989) US #128 UK #6, produced by Pet Shop Boys

  • Larlo My Love (1990) US

  • Stepping Out (1991) (soundtrack)

  • Liza: Live from Radio City Music Hall (1992)

  • Aznavour Minnelli: Paris, Palais des Congrès (1995)

  • Music from The Life: A New Musical (1995) (concept cast album, is featured on "Use What You Got", "We Had a Dream", and "People Magazine")

  • Gently (1996) US #156 UK #58

  • Minnelli on Minnelli: Live at the Palace (1999)

  • Liza's Back (2002)

  • The God-Mother and The God-Daughter (TBC, 2007)

  • Liza Minnelli was featured on the album The Black Parade by My Chemical Romance. She played the part of Mother War in the song "Mama".

Popular singles

  • "You Are For Loving" (1963, has reportedly sold 500 000 copies, but never charted)

  • "(Theme From) New York, New York" (US #104, 1977, became a worldwide classic and signature song)

  • "Losing My Mind" (UK #6, August 1989) (#11 on US Dance chart)

  • "Don't Drop Bombs" (UK #46, October 1989)

  • "So Sorry, I Said" (UK #62, November 1989)

  • "Love Pains" (UK #41, March 1990) (#40 on US dance chart)

Television work

During the early days of Television in the 1950s Liza appeared as a child guest on Art Linkletter's show and in 1959 sang and danced with Gene Kelly on his first television special. She was a guest star in one episode of the popular Ben Casey television series starring Vince Edwards and was a frequent guest on chat shows of the day including numerous appearances on shows hosted by Jack Parr, Merv Griffin, Mike Douglas, Joe Franklin, Dinah Shore and Johnny Carson. During the 1960s she made several guest appearances on Laugh In as well as other variety shows including The Ed Sullivan Show, The Hollywood Palace, as well as The Judy Garland Show. Recently, Minnelli has made guest appearances on such shows as Arrested Development and Law & Order: Criminal Intent. In the UK she has appeared on the Ruby Wax, Graham Norton and Jonathan Ross shows and in October 2006 participated in a comedy skit on the Charlotte Church Show and was featured on the Michael Parkinson Show.

  • Judy and Liza at the Palladium (1964)
  • The Dangerous Christmas of Red Riding Hood (1965)
  • The Carol Burnett Show" 1967 & 1968
  • Liza with a 'Z' (1972)
  • The Muppet Show 1979
  • Goldie and Liza Together (1980)
  • Baryshnikov on Broadway (1980)
  • [[The Princess and the Pea (Faerie Tale Theatre episode)|Faerie Tale Theater: The Princess And The Pea (1983)
  • A Time to Live (1985)
  • Sam Found Out: A Triple Play (1988)
  • Frank, Liza, and Sammy: The Ultimate Event (1989)
  • The Freddie Mercury Tribute Concert (1992)
  • Liza Minnelli: Live from Radio City Music Hall (1993)
  • Parallel Lives (1994)
  • The West Side Waltz (1995)
  • Jackie's Back! (1999)
  • Arrested Development (2005)

 Stage productions

Preceded by
Jane Fonda
Academy Award for Best Actress
for Cabaret
Succeeded by
Glenda Jackson
A Touch of Class
Preceded by
Carol Channing
Hello, Dolly!
Tony Award for Best Leading Actress in a Musical
for Flora the Red Menace
Succeeded by
Angela Lansbury
Preceded by
Dorothy Loudon
Tony Award for Best Leading Actress in a Musical
for The Act
Succeeded by
Angela Lansbury
Sweeney Todd
Preceded by
Johnny Carson
54th Academy Awards
Oscars host
55th Academy Awards (with Dudley Moore, Richard Pryor, and Walter Matthau)
Succeeded by
Johnny Carson
56th Academy Awards

 See also


  • Schechter, Scott. The Liza Minnelli Scrapbook. Citadel Press / Kensington Publishing Corp. 2004.


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mit Bilder,Pics,Fotos vom Hamburger Starclub, der Starclub bis 1969, aber auch Sportbilder,Staedte und Sonstiges der Stadt Hamburg sowie Deutschland.

Alle Bilder Copyrigt by JR-Project Jens Rabenstein, Robby Günther  -

Im Inhaltsverzeichnis sind viele Bands wie AC-DC, Deep Purple, Beatles, Lee Curtis, Led Zeppelin, aber auch Stars wie Conny Froboes, Frank Zappa, Rolling Stones, Walker Brothers /// Städte wie Amsterdam, Hamburg, Berlin /// Sport wie Uwe Seeler , HSV, Rosendahl, Gerd Müller, Kottysch   u.v.a.

Weitere Band aus dem Hamburger Starclub: Chris Andrews, Birds & Bees, Eric Burdon, Ray Charles, Eric Clapton, The Creation, Lee Curtis, Dave Dee,Dozy,Beaky,Mick & Tich, Frank Dostal, Easybeats, Equals, The Faces, Chris Farlowe, Ian and the Zodiacs, Kingpins, Rivets - Henner Hoier, Hari-Kari, Ben E.King, The Londoners, The Liverbirds, Mama-Bettys-Band, Manchester Playboys, Frank Zappa, The Move, Rattles, The Nice, Achim Reichel, Remo Four, Screamers, Tony Sheridan, Small Faces, The Smoke, Spencer Davis-Group, VIPs, Spooky Tooth, The Taste, Tremeloes, Troggs, Vanilla Fudge, Walker Brothers, Wonderland, Johnny Young und viele Andere...